Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving/Black Friday Kick-Off 411 - Ang's Tips on Injury/Stress Proof Shopping

Hello My Beautiful Gems -

It's been over a week since my last installment, I know I know....where have I been?? Just been really crazy with work and the regular day-to-day stuff.  The great news is that I'M BACK IN DA BUILDING and ready to get you gems geared up for the holiday shopping extravaganza!!!

For now,  just wanted to drop some quick tips for holiday shopping.  Now, I don't want you to think that I ONLY love things all beauty!!!  Truth be told, I'm a a borderline tech geek.  While I don't go out and buy the latest tablets, iPhones, etc. etc.  a new surround sound system with blueray player and smart tv combined does get a girl all warm inside.  Sooooo just want to make sure all my gems and their loved ones are smart and savvy shoppers this holiday season.

With that said, here are some quick tips....

1.  Browse the sale ads...If you have not been stalking the websites and sales ads for Black Friday sales yet...You Better Get On It!!! These are your ESSENTIALS to developing your shopping plan.  Yes, I said it.  You have to create a plan so you know what you need/want, where to find it and if they run out, what's your plan B.

2. Be ON TIME.....Now alot of stores are opening their doors to customers as early as 6PM Thanksgiving night.    PLAN AHEAD AND BE EARLY.  All my gems are special to me however retailers think you and millions of other people are just as special.  Therefore, you MUST consider the crowds that will be stomping, kicking, crawling with you are going for the same things you are.  So just ask yourself "If I really want to buy something that a particular store will have on sale, how do I get it?"  Just get to DDonuts or SBucks, load up on java and/or hot chocolate and sweets, park in the store lot(s) in advance to opening time (the earlier the better) and relax. 

3. Dress for the occasion....For a chica like me that wears heels 300 days out of the year, it takes some planning on my part for appropriate footwear each day.  With that said, as cute as you may be running around Target, Walmart, Sephora, etc. in stilettos, your feet may beg to differ.  Funny thing is, I always wear uncomfortable shoes to Sephora and/or Ulta when I'm on a shopping budget.  That way my foot pain guarantees I don't go over the spending limit :)  If you're in for the long haul, wear comfortable shoes.  For my die hard gems, just plan to pick up comfy sneaks while in shop mode.

4. Make a List.... We gems love to fill virtual shopping carts.  How much more work could it be to create a shopping list.  WARNING - Going to shop with NOOOOOO real idea of what you want can be extremely dangerous.  Trust and believe, there's a million and one gems that could probably co-sign with me on this. If you don't have a list(s), it could be deadly to your wallet.

5. Plan B, C, D PLEASE!!!....As hilarious as it may be to see someone upload a YouTube video of parents and other adults fighting for sale items, it's just a "REALLY/OMG" thing! Be honest, you are well aware that alot of items you've marked in red on your list will just be sold out in minutes.  Therefore, have a back-up plan in place.  Even better, divide your list into the following:

Must Have It (I Don't Give a Rats &** How I Get It)

Really Need/Want It (But will take an alternate)

It's Nice BUT...(If I don't have it, it's not the end of the world...REALLY I PROMISE)

Although you've heard this all before, it's true and will save you alot of time and hassle. 

Last but not least.....PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CYBER MONDAY IS ON THE HORIZON....AHHHHHH!!!  A ton more great deals are offered the Monday after Thanksgiving.  I'm also an online shopper for holiday gifts.  I love it, swear by it and will continue to do it year after year. 

If you decide to shop online, please check out Ebates.  This is a great site, mentioned in my previous Sephora VIB Haul blog, that offers cash back and purchases from affiliated stores.  They are absolutely AMAZING!!! I've used them for all but one of my online shopping sprees thus far.  There's no fee to join.  They also add new stores all the time. Just keep checking if your fav store is not listed.  If you love getting money back for shopping, start there!! Most purchases done by starting first through ebates offer cash back..Yes actual MULAAAA (anywhere from 1 - 10% on average).

That's all for me in this installment!!!  For all of my beautiful gems following me via twitter, just coming across my blog for the first time via search engine, professional and personal affiliations, etc., THANK YOU!!! I'm thankful to you all for reading my blogs, following me via social media and just providing me a platform to give you my 411.  I never thought I'd have my blog started this year. 

None of that would be possible without loyalty and support from followers and newbies just browsing my blog.  So again, thank you for hearing me out.  Much love to you all...always!!!  Have a wonderful holiday!!! I'll be in contact via twitter and blogging playing catch-up on my reviews. 

Also be sure to follow me on Pinterest!!!  As always...Happy Shopping!!!

Note: I am in no way affiliated nor being paid to endorse any vendors mentioned in any blogs I post or products views.  The opinions and statements made are my own.

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