Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Boyfriend Beauty Overnight Bag (BBOB)

Hey Gems!! It's me....AngBeauty411 here with the latest and greatest in all things beauty.  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. My weekend was good.  Just find it amazing that every week, where I live, we are ALWAYS getting snow.  Just got another small dose last night. Ughhhh enough already!! 

Today, I wanted to talk about the all important boyfriend (BF) overnight bag. What is a BF Overnight Bag you ask???  Basically, my definition of a BF Overnight is those essential items you need in order to get the basics done (skin and body care).  So often I find myself staying over at my BFs house and realizing I have no makeup remover, facial wash, etc.... Before I know it, I'm frantically rushing home the next morning to scrub the makeup off my face.  To be on the safe side, I try to make up for my bad actions by giving myself a Queen Helene or PTR mask.  I can't afford to let the dirt sink in and even worse....cause a breakout...EEEKKKK!

Lesson learned, I started to pack an overnight bag for myself.  I keep the bag in my car so that at anytime I may decide to stay over at a friend's, boyfriend's or whomever home, I'm always prepared. I thought I'd share some important things to keep in your overnight bag:

    1. Make-Up Remover Oil/Wipes -  If you don't know by now, let me give you a little education.  As we all know, keeping make-up on overnight can be DISASTROUS to your skin.  Just a quick overview of the effects it can have....clogging of pores, intro to fine lines into your skin, etc. etc. I don't care what you've seen or heard...I'm hear to tell you...NO GEM IS MEANT TO WEAR MAKEUP 24/7..PERIOD!  Do me and your skin a favor and be sure to pack a basic makeup oil remover or wipes in your overnight bad. Your skin will love you for it in the AM.  Trust and believe, a 24/7 beauty face is an aged and clogged faced without care with time.  The solution is easy with a quick trip to a 24/7 drugstore...OR for my high glam gems....be sure to have a travel size of your fav make-up remover.
    2. Skin Cleanser - Now that the day/night glam face has been removed....wash off the day. I know, I know, this can be a very touchy subject.  No gem wants to reveal the full "Al Natural" look to her man/woman.  However, if he/she loves you for you, than being a Maybelline/MAC/CG/MJ/MUF/NARS queen will not matter....he/she loves you for you.  With that said, wash the make-up grim off your natural beauty palette. 
    3. Toner -  Of course this is a given to get that oil/dirt your cleanser may have missed.
    4. Serum (Optional) -Serums have changed the game in skincare.  They're like the Vitamin C or coffee boost in the AM to get you going.  Serums basically keep/whip your skin into shape (an extra buffer to your current skincare products to ensure skincare goodness).  This is optional if you want to keep things basic.  However, I do recommend it as it's more beneficial than you think.
    5. Moisturizer - Dispel all the myths you've heard....EVERYBODY and their momma needs moisturizer.  The type and consistency of the moisturizer is what differs. After you've washed that beautiful face of yours, you must replenish what's been washed away.  Be sure to give your face the TLC it needs by gliding on a thin layer of moisturizer.
    6. Pillow Case - Yes sometimes it's good to carry your own (even if your host/hostess has plenty). One of my besties came to stay with me one weekend.  She was visiting from out of town so we were all gamed for the weekend. I thought it was "weird" that she brought her own pillow/pillow case.  However, now I get it.  Every gem has there own specific needs.  You know yourself and how you operate. So with that said, staying somewhere different, if possible, shouldn't make you deviate from your norm.  As we all know, changing pillow cases frequently decrease the chances of bacteria spreading to our beautiful faces.  Sooooo for those that may not be changing their pillow cases as often as they should, start now.  Another ritual that your skin will love you for. 
    7. Feminine Products -  There's no need to go into great detail on this.  We know that those "special occasions" arise every month; better safe than sorry.
    8. Deodorant -  DE-O to control your B-O is MANDATORY!!!! I keep deodorant at work, in my car and now at my BFs. I rarely forget HOWEVER warmer months call for high maintenance.  Another better safe than sorry scenario. 
    9. Travel-size Shower Gel -  I don't know about you but my BF has the basic MAN SOAP in his shower.  I'm sorry, my skin needs what it needs.  Call me high maintenance if you want, I'll take it.  Just take a trip to your local dollar store.  Most will carry a kit or individual travel containers to put your essentials in.  It's easy, convenient and by keeping it at your BFs or in your car, you never forget.
Those are just the bare basics that will get you through till the AM at least. That concludes this installment. Your main squeeze might not be prepared with the necessary essentials...but you certainly will be.  

As always, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest @AngBeauty411.  I love and appreciate each and everyone one of you that take time to read my 411.  Thank you for all that you do for me. Take care and as always....happy shopping!!!

1 comment:

  1. Personally I think overjoyed I discovered the blogs.

    potato on face overnight
