Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy New Year Gemmmmss!!! New Things for 2014

Hello My Beautiful Gems!!!

Happy New Year to you all.  I'm back finally.  The holidays were wonderful but very busy.  However, I was able to relax and enjoy quality time with family and friends.  I hope you all had amazing holiday celebrations.

I'm so glad to be back in blogger world. So anxious and ready to bring you the latest and greatest from the beauty world.

For 2014, I'm looking to change alot of things (all new and exciting) with my blog. Within the next month or so, stay tuned for new format and content on my site. As well, I'll also have my YouTube channel in full operation by the end of February (more details to follow within the upcoming weeks). 

As well, I'll have more detailed reviews for my gems (currently in the works) as well as quick updates regarding all things beauty (e.g. trends, products, etc.).  Lastly, I'll be providing reviews on drugstore and high-end hair and nail care products.  This is an area I wanted to expand into for 2014.

So many exciting things to come.  I really enjoy blogging and can't wait to expand my reviews into other lines of products. Be sure to keep your eyes open on Pinterest and Twitter for updates from yours truly. 

I'll start posting new blogs later on today.  As always, take care and happy shopping!!!

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